Lincoln Planning Committee meeting notes and other meetings this week | Lisa Turek – Email Blast

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Good afternoon!

Last night was the Lincoln Planning Committee meeting to amend the zoning ordinance to include townhomes and condominiums. The meeting was in the fire truck garage because the board expected a large turnout. There were only about 25 in attendance and a lot of empty seats. And the village attorney, Matt, was there also.

The meeting opened with public comment. Gary Wnuk started and asked the board to do the right thing when making the decision. Sheila Phillips then talked about how all comments should be only about the zoning and nothing else. She also gave a description of the current zoning and how it was going to be amended.

Terri Goldstrom spoke about her concerns and whether or not the county has enough people on board for emergency services. Nick Goldstrom commented on the sewer/septic and its capacity, the cost to the village and who will pay. Kirk Belt commented that all of B1 was to be zoned for one project. Liz Conley asked why B1 was all over the map. And then asked if she could have chickens due to the price of eggs. Throughout public comment, Sheila Phillips or the attorney would comment. Sheila asked for any business owners to speak. Matt reiterated that this should be in the best interest of the village and Sheila said this was for ten or twenty years down the road. There were a couple more comments but it was very subdued and no one got loud or angry. Leroy Perrin then stood and assured the board and the audience that there were no townhomes in the plan for the senior center. I think most everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A few more comments from Rosie Perrin and Natalie Goldstrom and public comment was closed.

Lastly, Scott Stephenson and Scott Rice talked about any impact the zoning amendment would have on their staff. They both agreed there would be none. The county has an influx of summer residents and campgrounds that they are able to handle. Scott Rice had a concern about stairs and elevators and their equipment in the new project. Lastly the Fire Chief, Bill Cordes spoke and reiterated what the others said. He said there are hardly any volunteers and everyone is experiencing staff shortages.

The meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.

There are two meetings tomorrow, Wednesday. The commissioners meet at 1:30 and there is a Tavern meeting at 6:00 at the Old Place in downtown Harrisville.

Hope to see you at a meeting! 🙂


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