A House Divided | David Chandler

Categories Community Letters, Editorial, Local News, OpinionPosted on

At the beginning of the Civil War, when asked if the South had a Right to secede from the Union, President Lincoln would invariably reply, that there is no such provision in the Constitution for a State to leave the Union. This article is not questioning the intentions of President Lincoln. Lord knows, he had a tough time of it, knowing that two competing nations on the still to be conquered North American Continent would mean decades of War.

The result of this sleight of hand is that, ever since then, the U.S. Government has supported the notion that the States are locked into this Union because there are no provisions for secession in the Constitution.

What Lincoln withheld from the enquirer, and the U.S. Government continues to keep from the people was that the State’s Right to secede (A County’s Right to secede for that matter.) rests in our Declaration of Independence.

Our Declaration of Independence clearly lays out that a People, suffering under a tyrannical government, have an inherent Right to separate themselves from such a government. The People may also alter or abolish such a government if the circumstances permit. Our 9th and 10th Amendments also assert that Rights and Powers not covered by the Constitution belong to the States and the People respectively. Therefore, the Right to secede from or alter or abolish a government rest plainly with the States and the People. Now, as stated in the first Article of the Michigan Constitution, “All political power is inherent in the people.” This means that ultimately, when all else fails, the People have the Right to alter or abolish their State government. The only thing required of the People to prove that they are united in this cause is the support and leadership of the local governments, officially recognized and lawfully elected. These authorized Officials are seated within our County Commissions and Township Boards.

While we can only speculate about what might have happened had Lincoln lived, we can review the damage caused by a Central Bank controlled government after 1865. (By 1871 the U.S. Government was Bankrupt and at the mercy of the large Banks in New York and Philadelphia.)

Since Lincoln’s assassination over 160 years ago, the Banks have captured the American economy and its people lock, stock, and barrel.

To wit:

In 1913 a corrupt Congress committed three acts of Treason:

It unlawfully approved the 16th Amendment which granted the Government the authority to by-pass the sovereign authority of our States, Counties, and Townships to directly rob us of our wealth and seize our property in violation of the 4th Amendment. No amendment can violate our Bill of Rights or the Natural Rights of a Free People!

It unlawfully transferred a power, granted to Congress by the Constitution, to a cartel of Private Banks under the Federal Reserve Act. This act paved the way for the establishment of the welfare/warfare state we are now suffering under.

And, under the 17th Amendment, Congress evicted our State Governments from the U.S. Senate, inviting in Global Corporations to capture those seats under the veil of the popular vote.

Four years after the passage of these measures, we were plunged into a War in Europe. We have been fighting Wars of conquest and consolidation ever since.

Our forefathers warned against the dangers of a Central Bank and a standing military. Today we are encumbered by both. The Central Bank’s (Federal Reserve) criminal negligence lending Trillions of imaginary dollars equates to the greatest act of counterfeit in human history.

Think about this: What Banker would lend a government, already over $31 Trillion in Debt, another penny unless there was a nefarious agenda to pursue? Taking advantage of the natural need for politicians to “support” their donors, er, uhm, “constituency”, the Federal Reserve is happy to churn out fiat money to Congress in support of their welfare/warfare agenda. So much so, that at the end of the 1960’s, members of the Bretton Woods Agreement which established the U.S. Dollar as the international reserve currency were alarmed about the integrity of the agreement which was being undermined by U.S. Spending.

Realizing that the U.S was printing more dollars than it had Gold to back it, (One ounce of Gold was supposed to be equal to $35 but the Vietnam war and LBJs Social Programs demanded more dollars than there was Gold in the vaults, pushing the value of gold over $50 dollars per ounce.) members of the Bretton Wood agreement began complaining of the economic ramifications of U.S. spending. This prompted President Nixon to “temporarily” suspend the Gold Standard in August 1971, an unconstitutional act of grand larceny committed against the Western World. Today, because of the unleashing of the Banker’s restrictions on printing dollars, an ounce of Gold, once equal in value to $35 is now equal to near $2,000 dollars. This is how far the value of our wealth, property, liberty and lives have eroded over the last six decades.

Keeping with the truism that there is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program, this event led to the creation of the Petro Dollar. In 1973 President Nixon brokered a deal with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. This agreement mandated that Saudi Arabia, and the OPEC Nations accept only U.S. dollars in exchange for Oil. Additionally, the OPEC nations would use the U.S. dollar to buy U.S. debts in the form of Bonds as well as conduct all foreign trade with the U.S. Dollar. Finally, the U.S. promised to protect OPEC from their enemies. It did not take long for that enemy to emerge as the “Evil” Islamic State of Iran. It was then that the Petrodollar was born. And a Standing U.S. Army of over one million military, paramilitary, and Law enforcement agencies was instituted. We’ve been in a constant state of war since then.

Using this Bank/Government/OPEC, Public/Private partnership, a financial monopoly was established over the world. Globalism was created. Ever since this time the notions of Global Warming, Climate Change, and the evil specter of Carbon Emissions have risen to control the lives of the People. Globalists seek to control every resource needed by the People to improve their lives. In short, Globalists desire our land!

Locally, Consumers Energy, in concert with DTE and the State Government, has been engaged in a plan to significantly reduce the supply of electricity to the residents of Michigan.

They are shutting down coal fired plants in the name of the environment. What doesn’t make sense is that they are planning on shutting down our Hydro-Electric Plants on the AuSable River. Hydro-Electric is as Green as it gets! Why would they shut down these plants except to reduce the supply of energy? Like any government protected Monopoly, Consumers is cutting overhead costs while simultaneously reducing supply which inevitably leads to higher energy costs, lost homes, abandoned communities, poverty, slavery, and death for many of us.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and a well-known Globalist, came up with a formula to reduce carbon emissions. The unspoken solution to this formula is to reduce the human population. Make no mistake, We’re the Carbon Footprints the Globalists want to eradicate from the Earth!

Many countries in the world are adopting programs like U.N. Agenda 30 and Net Zero, not because they are good for the environment, but because the Globalist Banksters are bribing them. The way Globalists spend money, you’d think that they already have planet Earth as an asset on their balance sheet!

Recently, because of the continuing decay of the dollar due to criminally irresponsible spending, the Banksters across the globe have been putting into place a monetary system that will bring complete control over the financial lives of all People. They plan to give each of us an allowance under the heading “Universal Income”. This program is meant to further subjugate the People under the so called benevolent stewardship of the State.

Soon, all major Banks will be functioning solely on Digital Currency. Once the Central Banks have gained control over all the lesser Banks, our personal wealth can be withheld from us on a moment’s notice without warning. These acts of Grand larceny have already occurred in Canada during the Trucker Protest in the winter of 2022, and have also been used by Western governments against Russian Citizens in the name of “Freeing Ukraine for Democracy”. If the Elite are willing to freeze then seize the wealth of Millionaires, what chance does the common people have against this financial tyranny?

Beginning in about 2010, Patriots began resisting Globalist policies as well as State and Federal overreach. In 2016, Donald Trump was elected President and began the process of “Making America Great Again”. The Globalists have been plotting to destroy President Trump since then. The criminal acts of our federal agencies in the persecution of Mr. Trump, his supporters, and any person that questions the authority of the criminal regime currently holding power is evidence that the time is coming when these monsters must be thrown off.

Using the so called COVID pandemic as cover, the powers that be, mutilated our voting system in order to win the 2020 elections. At no time in history has a Candidate run a campaign from his cellar to win a Presidential Race by a land slide of more than 81 million votes! Yet, we’re supposed to believe this narrative as absolute truth.

That the Bankster regime in New York has engaged in a program of persecution against President Trump (some might argue deposed President) for alleged misdemeanor crimes, implies that we’re all subject to this type of treatment.

As of January 2024, there are six protestors sitting in jail since January 2020 that have not even be charged for a crime. They can be held like this under the unconstitutional Patriot Act. Julian Assange is wasting away in a British Isolation Cell for exposing the crimes of the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has been awaiting extradition to the USA for a trial by suicide in a U.S Maximum Security Prison. Assange has been held hostage for over ten years, his Right to be treated as innocent stripped away.

Congress has begun discussing the issuance of QR Code Cards to identify each and every American. https://leohohmann.com/2023/04/20/senators-introduce-bill-to-create-digital-identity-for-all-americans/

These codes are already on our debit and credit cards. Once again, these codes and chips and other technologies will be used against us in the quickly developing open air prison that once used to be our home.

Our own Michigan legislature has been busy laying the groundwork to disarm us. Governor Whitmer calls them common sense gun laws but what they really represent are passports to raid our homes and seize our property. These Red Flag Laws are Terms of Surrender that we must not accept.

Who do we look to for help? The person playing the part of president is nothing more than a Finger Puppet of the Central Banksters and their military, pharmaceutical, Multimedia, Big Ag -industrial complex cohorts. Congress, and our State Legislatures are enslaved in a money laundering scheme so threateningly enticing that not one can refuse. Our Courts, chosen by the same corrupt political swamp creatures and controlled by our notorious American/Michigan Bar Association (yet another “Public/Private” government protected monopoly) choose to “protect and defend” the status quo from all enemies foreign and especially domestic.

The recent (and on-going) coup attempt against the Michigan State Committee Chair, Kristina Karamo illustrates just how far down the road to tyranny we have travelled.

What next? The Patriot Act is already on the books to toss all liberty minded people in prison and literally throw away the key; without a hearing, without being charged, and with no hope of release.

The only governments that may be able to push back against State overreach are our Townships and Counties. But these Governments are currently under the financial thumb of the State Government as well. A concerted effort by a vast majority of Townships and Counties is needed to end the tyranny by regaining our financial freedom.

It has become crystal clear that nobody in authority on this side of Heaven is going to save us. We must save ourselves.

So, getting back to the original topic of this letter, Do the People have a Right to alter and abolish a form of government that has systematically stolen every Right a human being could possess?

The answer is a steadfast, “Yes!”

Who has the lawful authority to declare the independence of a People from a corrupt government?

Those lawfully elected officials of local governments.

Who has the authority to establish a new form of government in keeping with their beliefs and principles?

The People.

Do the People have to ask permission from the legacy government to abolish that same government?


Does the legacy government have a Right to stop the people from altering or abolishing it?


Here in our home, Michigan, we have an opportunity to change the way the government operates.

Basing this new form on our founding principles, we can improve upon the model, discarding those processes that have proven themselves to be dangerous to Liberty, while instituting those guards against future tyrants we deem necessary to protect our posterity. We may also gain greater efficiency by using modern communications technologies to decentralize government.

Some features of this new government:

  1. The Government is held accountable to the Ten Commandments which codify Natural Law. Government Officials shall be held to this high standard or be subject to serious consequences. This Natural Law governing the behavior of a Free People in Civilized Society would be instituted in the First Article of the Constitution.
  1. The abolition of Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Districts. Districts are the poisoned wells from which we all must drink to maintain the illusion of democracy. Districts are the gateway for Special Interests and Oligarchs to seize control of our governments.
    What do Districts do:

    1. Districts create an artificial boundary around groups of people that separates them from their government.
    2. Districts insulate Legislators from their responsibilities to the constituents. Once elected, Legislators can act on their own without concern for repercussions.
    3. Districts silence the voices of our Townships and Counties which are the rightful representatives of the people. Without direct representation in the Legislature, Townships and Counties are converted into mere extensions of State power.
    4. Districts destroy the inherent sovereignty of our Township and County governments; governments which most closely represent the combined wealth and political will of the People.
    5. Districts possess no form of government that serves the encompassed territory. Our Townships and Counties possess such services yet are unable to resist State edicts issued under the color of law by District representatives.
    6. Districts create an environment where the many can be ruled by the few. Because of the size of Districts, only the wealthy possessing the wherewithal and time to organize have the ability to win elections. Over time, the People are converted to wage slavery under the heavy hand of those who seek only their own interests.
  1. The institution of Geo-Political Units to ensure that the Land is properly represented. In a Republic, the Land from which we all receive our wealth, must be represented in the State Legislature. Those people that provide the resources harvested from the Land must have an equal voice in the use of that Land. They must not be exploited by the many or the few. Our Townships and Counties are the fundamental Geo-Political units that must be represented in the State Legislature to protect those that produce “The Wealth of Nations” from those that desire to exploit that wealth.
  1. Direct representation of the Townships and Counties in the State Legislature would decentralize power by making local interests competitive with special interests. Representatives would be chosen by the Township Supervisor and Senators would be chosen by the County Administrator. This act eliminates the need for Campaign finance laws and the wasteful dog and pony shows that infest modern politics. When Politicians don’t need donors to win campaigns, they don’t fall into the trap of having to please those donors to stay in office. This act also creates a direct chain of authority from the residents through the local executive, to their representatives.
  1. Chain of authority is established between the People in their Precincts and the ascending levels of government. Because the Executives from the Township and the County appoint what are fundamentally “Ambassadors” to participate in the State House and State Senate; and the People, through their Precincts, choose the Executive, the People have a direct link to their representative in the State Legislature. Further, because the Representatives and Senators are chosen from the Townships and County, they live within a stone’s throw of the electorate. No longer can these representatives claim to have to vote in support of constituents from foreign regions.
  1. 2/3rd majority mandate to pass any legislation. No longer will the democratic practice of majority rule gift a slim majority with the power to force the terms of surrender upon a vast minority. Under this new form of voting, a 2/3rd majority must be met to pass any act of legislation. If a Township attempts to pass a measure to increase taxes, 2/3rds of the Precincts within that Township would have to approve of the measure. If the County government wishes to add a Millage to support a Non-government Organization, 2/3rds of the Townships in the County would have to approve the measure for it to be ratified. In order for Townships to approve such a measure, 2/3rds of the Precincts within each Township would have to be approved. If a 2/3rds majority is not met, the residents within their precincts remain in control of the issue in question.
  1. Voter’s Quorum: To prevent special interest groups from taking advantage of low voter turn out to get a measure approved, 75% of the registered voters would have to participate in the vote. If 75% does not participate, it implies that the voters are not interested in the measure and whatever issue was in question should remain under the authority of the affected governments. Not only would this act prevent skullduggery by Special Interests, but it would also prompt the cleanup of the Voter Rolls.
  1. The Governor is chosen by selected representatives of the Townships and Counties. This eliminates the need for Campaign Laws and the sickening popularity contests wrapped in the formality of a general election. Governors should be selected based on experience, knowledge, and integrity not on popular opinion. This Electoral Committee will also publish annual performance evaluations which would be used to determine continued service. A Governor whose performance does not measure up to expectations may be allowed to complete the term of office, have evidence submitted to the House for consideration for Impeachment, or in exceptional cases be removed for cause, a replacement chosen from the pool of candidates that applied for the office in the previous election.
  1. The Office of Lt Governor is abolished. The Office of Lt Governor is redundant and performs no official function. Get rid of it! Instead, the President of the Senate shall temporarily hold the position of the Governor under specific circumstances.
  1. Secretary of State chosen by the House. The Secretary of State serves the People, therefore the Representatives closest to the People should choose the Chief of this Office. The House Committee on Internal affairs may choose an SoS from a pool of candidates from the SoS Departments or possibly from a pool of County Clerks.
  1. Attorney General chosen by the Senate. The Sheriff and the Prosecutor are vital offices of the County. Because Law and Order are a priority of the Counties across the Land, choosing an Attorney General to fulfill this duty and work with the Counties should fall upon the Senate.
  1. Term Limits abolished. The notion of Term Limits recognized that there was a problem with so called, career politicians that served Special Interest Groups without discovering the underlying cause of this relationship, Legislative Districts.
    Term Limits are bad because:
    1. Term Limits entice short time Politicians to seek longer term employment elsewhere, making them easy prey to Special Interest Groups.
    2. Term Limits benefit Special Interests who can exchange those Legislators that are becoming experienced in government for those Legislators that have no experience, therefore making them more easily controlled.
    3. Term Limits stunt the political growth of our representatives. With only a few short years to learn how the government works, by the time our representatives have figured out how things work, they are forced out of office.
    4. Term Limits, limit the influence of true Statesmen. On rare occasions, we are blessed with truly gifted Legislators that could make beneficial changes to life in Michigan. Sadley, their time in office is too short to make any changes.
    5. Term Limits empower the Bureaucracy to drive forward their policies and programs. Bureaucrats, and now Technocrats, in concert with Special Interests are virtually in charge of the government. They draft many of the Bills that our Legislators sponsor without actually reading the content.
    6. Term Limits do not allow for long term programs to be instituted. Thanks to Term Limits, the Institutional memory of the Legislature is only a few short years long. This is a disadvantage when faced with the Bureaucrats and Special Interests that have been solidly in the game for decades.
    7. Term Limits firmly seat the Bureaucracy and Special Interests in power.
  1. No direct taxation without direct representation!” When does representation cease being representation? In the State of Michigan there are 110 House Representatives. In a State of ten million, this equates to approximately 84,000 voters per Representative: 1/84,000, or each person having 1/84,000th representation in the House of Representatives. The Michigan State Senate has Districts representing, on average 237,950, that’s a 1/237,950th representation of each person in the State Senate. A U.S. Congressman has a constituency of about 700,000 people. This equates to a 1/700,000th representation. Each U.S. Senator has the greatest ratio of all. With a population of about 10 million. In Michigan, each U.S. Senator has a ratio of 1/10 million, or each person has a representation ratio of 1/10 millionth. The ratio in each of these cases is so great that nobody could honestly declare that any one of us is being properly represented in Congress or our State House! If we are not meaningfully represented in Congress or our State House, then how is it that the Federal Government or the State Government have the Right to directly tax our income and property? The short answer is, they don’t. Total strangers voting to take our wealth is known in most Countries as Robbery.

    On the other hand, Townships, being the government most directly representing the wealth and political will of the People, should possess the sole authority to directly tax the wealth and property of the People. The People having final say in any millage request, possess ultimate control over how their wealth will be utilized. Township, County, State, and Federal Millage requests must be approved by 2/3rds of the Precincts to become law. Requiring the Precincts to be counted individually for the overall approval defeats the democratic policies of “Majority Takes All”. Establishing the Township as the sole authority for direct taxation protects the sovereignty of the lesser governments as instituted in the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. This act would also eliminate the large feeding trough at the State Treasury that Special Interest Groups feed from.
  1. The introduction of communications and information technologies to representation. Secured Communications and Information Facilities (SCIF) will be erected in each County to facilitate greater communication between the local, state, and someday, Federal governments. These SCIFs would allow our representatives to spend the lions’ share of their time among their constituents and away from the corruptive forces of Special Interest Groups. Using these SCIFs, regional coalitions could be formed to protect the sovereignty of the People and to identify only those measures worthy of bringing to the Floor of the State House for consideration.
  1. Local Justice before the Law. The Township is the first line of Justice to be served to the People. Once we have gained control over our wealth and property at the Township level, we will be able to perform the functions of sovereign governance to improve our communities. Among the improvements will be revitalizing our Institution of Justice at the local level. The offices of Constable and Justice of the Peace will be established to correct bad behavior before it becomes criminal behavior. Their jobs will focus primarily on settling disputes and adjudicating acts of mischief and misdemeanors using non-judicial procedures and penalties. Residents who are called before the Justice of the Peace will have the choice to refuse non-judicial proceedings and be heard by the County Judge.

    The Justice of the Peace maybe a student of the Law, a member of the Clergy, or an upstanding citizen known for defending the principles of Justice.Terms of office for a Justice of the Peace would be eight years on good behavior to help protect the integrity of the Office. The Township Board of Trustees would measure the performance of the Justice of the Peace for continued service.
  1. Judges are grown, not made. Once our Townships have reinstituted local justice systems, the Counties will reinstitute the Office of County Judge. County Judges will be chosen from the pool of Township Justices of the Peace based on education, experience, and a proven track record of protecting Justice from corruption.

    County Judges would serve a term of twelve years on good behavior as determined by the County Board of Supervisors.The State Justice system will choose District Judges from the pool of County Judges based on their continued service to Justice. These State Judges will be supervised by the House Judiciary Committee which will identify top performing District Judges for selection as Circuit Judges.

    Judges selected for the Michigan Court of Appeals will be chosen from the pool of Circuit Judges.

    And Justices selected for the Michigan Supreme Court shall be chosen from the pool of Appeal Judges.

    The terms of Office for State Judges would be twenty years on good behavior to protect the integrity of the Office.

  1. Open the Justice System Market. The Michigan Bar’s Monopoly on the Legal system must be broken. Restore the Justice system by training and educating the People about Natural and Common Law. Make the Law simple, as it should be. Every Highschool student should be educated to represent themselves in a Courtroom.

    People that have sacrificed years dedicated to the Law should not have to answer to a board of politically motivated individuals. The State government may be empowered to provide certificates which confirm the training and education of those desiring to practice law in Michigan, but it does not have the power to convert a Right into a privilege by issuing a License for its practice. Issuing certificates proving an education in the Law would not prevent others from acting on another’s behalf in a Courtroom. All that might be required for a person to represent another in Court would be proof of Residence in the County in which the Case is originated.
  1. State Bureaucracy Professionalized and regulated by the House. Dismantle the Technocracy and replace it with those people possessing a desire to serve their fellow Man.

    Like the Military, the Bureaucracy should be regulated in such a fashion to make it small, responsive, and efficient. An Up-or-Out policy should be instituted to rid the Departments, Offices, and Agencies of Deadwood.
  1. No government will ever teach the People to question its authority. The State government shall not possess any influence over our Education System. Our Education systems shall be locally controlled by the local people. School Districts shall be organized so that the Parents and Teachers have a greater voice in the education of the children than unions and bureaucrats. Once prosperity returns to our local communities and people find a reason to stay and raise their families, the resources to build greater levels of education will be available.

    All connections between our State Universities, State government, and Large Corporations will be severed. Our bastions of higher education must not be influenced or adulterated by either political, social, or corporate interests. Let those institutions with the need for specific training build their own training centers and hire those they need to train for the job. The “Public/Private Partnerships between the State Government, Educational Institutions, and Corporate Interests must be broken down. These are Educational Monopolies which serve to subdue the best and brightest of us, creating a shortage of highly educated citizens.
  1. The Land is the people, and the People are the land!” Where the People and the Land are joined together, there is Peace and Prosperity. Where the People are separated from the Land there is Conflict and Poverty.

    To ensure that the People shall not be separated from their Public Lands, Land Trusts shall be established to assume stewardship. Government cannot be allowed to own property not specifically intended for its operation. Government ownership of land and its ability to manipulate that ownership makes it a dangerous competitor in the free market. Public lands must be returned to the People in the form of Land Trusts. Land Trusts would perform all the functions the current DNR, State Park and Forest Services perform. The difference would be that the People at the local level would have a say as to how the resources should be utilized. The various Land Trust would organize among themselves to ensure a free flow of information and coordination of effort.

Some benefits of this new government:

  1. The wealth and political power is held at the lowest level of government allowing the people to choose for themselves, the distribution of their wealth towards their own interests. This newly captured wealth would allow local communities to focus on their specific issues and prioritize how their wealth will be utilized.
  2. Secure elections. No need for Technological Tabulation Machines that can be hacked or programmed to change results. All elections are Local, at the precinct level where hand counting is manageable and validated.
  3. Special Interest Groups must compete with local interests to get approval of their programs.
  4. The abolition of the Two-Party Public/Private monopoly.
  5. The abolition of all Public/Private monopolies.
  6. Responsive government.
  7. Small government.
  8. Local Justice for justice’s sake.
  9. The development of true Statesmen and professionals as our local education systems focus on the classic education and training in the crafts, trades, and artisanship.
  10. Public land properly managed for the benefit of the Community.

It is about time we pulled the curtain back and exposed the Federal and State Governments for what they have become, agents of powers and principalities that serve only themselves.

The U.S Constitution does not provide for secession because our Declaration of Independence already has confirmed that principle as an inalienable Right.

A “Constitution for the Republic of Michigan” has been drafted which will empower the people to govern themselves in their local communities without the fetters of State and Federal taxation, regulation, and domestication.

The ratification of this new Constitution would require the approval of 3/4s of the Counties (63). Looking at a political map of Michigan, it is clear to see that the vast majority of the State is conservative and deserves an equal voice in our state legislature. All that is required is that each County hold a referendum approving this new Constitution. Once 63 Counties have approved the new Constitution for the Republic of Michigan, it shall be ratified, and the new government instituted during the next election cycle. The legacy government does not have a part in this process. It cannot mandate that we must use the processes within the legacy Constitution to form a new one. Constitutions are meant to limit governments not the People!

The Republican Party is the Party established to end Slavery. President Lincoln acted to end Slavery, save the Union and prevent the blood shed that would have followed if two Nations were to compete over the Western Lands of North America.

A house divided cannot stand. The ideologies of Globalism and Liberty are incompatible. We must be one or the other. To fall down under the feet of Globalists is to allow the destruction of over 2,000 years of Western Civilization. For the sake of our posterity, we the people must not allow this to happen.

We have a chance, here and now, to preserve our Union and prevent the bloodshed that will follow if we should allow our Union to fail. By instituting a true Republican Constitution, a Constitution that truly protects the Sovereignty of the individual, we will end the modern form of Slavery that is threatening Michigan. Once we have proven the effectiveness of this Constitution, it is our prayer that other States in our Union will adopt one of their own.

Ultimately, it is the hope that once a majority of States have adopted this new form of government, the Federal Government will be remade in this image.

Can this be done? Only if we have the foresight, wisdom, diligence, and courage to make it so.

David Chandler

Iosco County Republicans


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